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Please Be Still My Darling (Working Title)

Coming Soon...

A witness to the apparent insignificance of the individual in the face of the globalised present. A solo – overwhelmed by relentless input from a range of documentation media gathered from both cities and rural areas, moments of joy and discomfort, pleasant musings and sad realisations - will explore themes of foreignness and belonging, stillness and passing time, and the concept of place. Notes, poems, photographs, calendar schedules, sound recordings and abstracted videos will accompany me in the dance studio. The creation process will be overwhlemed by source materials, replicating the heightened awareness of environmental stimuli that one experiences when in a foreign place. Often in those situations the ability to observe and reflect upon one's sense of self in the context of that which is familiar and that which is foreign is also heightened. Though the creation process will have autobiographical elements, the final piece will aim to hold up a mirror to the onlooker.

Stay tuned as I created a blog with various texts, photographs and footage as this new work comes to life...

This is a sample video comprising of footage and audio I collected across countries. I recorded moments when I became aware of my smallness, my foreignness, a moment that I knew I would remember, a moment I realised was fleeting and just managed to grasp...

The footage was collected with the intention of projecting it during a live performance. Each piece of footage holds a certain sense of pace, time passing, and/or stillness.

The audio is intended to create an impression of the soundscape that surrounded me and create in the listener an abstracted experience of the original moment of recording,

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Sarah Saxon. ©2023

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