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Sarah Saxon is a dancer and choreographer. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) in dance from the Victorian College of the Arts (The University of Melbourne) where she began her artistic research into the relationships between humans and their environment. Her movement research incorporates her site-situated practice 'HikeDance' and studio-situated practice 'MemoryDance.' Both engage with environmental stimuli as a choreographic guide for dancers within these improvisational practices. She has produced five screen dances, 'Inhabitance I - V' (2021), that sit alongside her paper 'Environmental Stimuli as Choreographer of the Dancing Body' (2021) and are precursors to the experimental performance of her 'MemoryDance' practice 'Inhabitance VI' at 'Out of Bounds' (April, 2022) supported by Lucy Guerin Inc. and Temperance Hall.


Sarah is currently working alongside her collaborator Phaedra Brown on a new work-in-development; 'Remnants Re-Made.' This work situates dance, written text and spoken word together to explore the decay, accumulation and distillation of meaning that occurs as each mode of communication cycles in and out of choreographed feedback loops. This work has been supported by Lucy Guerin Inc., Temperance Hall, ReadyMade Works, MarchDance Festival and AusDanceNSW.


Sarah’s short film 'Tomatoes & Oranges' was screened by the Ian Potter Gallery in 2020. Her other choreographic works include 'Please Be Still My Darling' (in development), 'Landscape, its subconscious influence on bodies, collecting it all in text… and other things' (2020, Royal Botanic Gardens), 'Heavy Feet Feet, And So It Has Always Been' (2019), and 'Reflective State' (2019).


Among many more, Sarah’s performance highlights include 'Conspire' (2023, Caroline Ellis), 'Waiting Game' (2022, Phaedra Brown), 'Surge' (2020, Anouk van Dijk) and 'MTAFU' (2019, Prue Lang).


Sarah co-produced Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) student choreography season 'Student Works' (2019 & 2020) as well as 'Grad Fest' (2020) for the VCA’s graduating dance cohort in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. She was awarded the Dr Philip Law Travel Scholarship which supported her artistic development internationally in 2022.

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Sarah Saxon. ©2023

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